The guy who feeds me and pets me and lets me in and out of the house finally figured out how to post pictures from his camera phone online. So here are some:
Let go of me and let me in the house. I'm starving!
I know I look ridiculous here, but there was a moth flying around. What do you expect?
Damn, I look good. Me-ow!
If you don't get that camera phone out of my face, I'll puncture your scrotum with my freshly sharpened claws!
It's about time someone fed me. Hey dummy, the bowl is turned the wrong way. What do I look like, a dog? When will humans learn how to properly serve food? You'd think they'd be a bit more grateful after all the mice and birds I leave on the front porch for them.
Sour Cream! That's what I'm talking about. Why can't they just feed me sour cream, cheese, and ranch dressing all the time? Screw "Friskies".
Selfish bastards, always keeping the good stuff to yourselves. I'll show you. Hope you like your dishes disinfected with cat saliva.
Oh, all that eating made me tired. The humans here actually have the nerve to try to sit on my couch sometimes. Why can't they get their own couch?
I can sleep anywhere. On the old fold-up couch facing a basket...
...or the other way around.
Thanks for putting all these nice, clean clothes in this laundry basket for me to sleep on. That will teach you to put off folding them!
Think you're going somewhere? Well you'll have a tough time packing this suitcase with me in it! I guess you'll have to stay home and feed me. Bring me cheese, and make it snappy!
Hey you on the couch, don't you dare move and disturb my sleep.
This is comfy! You don't mind my butt in your face, right?
That's it--as soon as you let me out of this blanket, I'm going straight for your crotch.Whew, all this blogging has worn me out. I'm off to demand some cheese and then find someone to sleep on.